Norton DNS vs Comodo Secure DNS

更安全:Comodo以提供安全解決方案著稱,ComodoSecureDNS會幫你篩選過濾你要連結的網址是否安全,類似於之前介紹過的OpenDNS,在你連線到網站前即時幫你 ...,非也!這個所謂的「COMODOSecureDNS」只是將你上網查詢IP的DNS伺服器改成他們家的,據說會比較安全!這個...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Comodo Secure DNS 更安全的域名解析服務

更安全:Comodo 以提供安全解決方案著稱,Comodo Secure DNS 會幫你篩選過濾你要連結的網址是否安全,類似於之前介紹過的OpenDNS ,在你連線到網站前即時幫你 ...

COMODO Secure DNS 封鎖網站的原理

非也! 這個所謂的「COMODO Secure DNS」只是將你上網查詢IP 的DNS 伺服器改成他們家的,據說會比較安全! 這個原理我先前也曾提過,像是有學校疑似用它來封 ...


1. Click the Windows 'Start' menu 2. Type 'control panel' into the search box then click the program name: 3. Select 'Network and Internet' from the control ...

Secure DNS Service, Software Required

Comodo Secure DNS is a broadly distributed Recursive DNS service that gives you full control to determine how your clients interact with the internet. It ...

Comodo Secure DNS

Comodo SecureDNS is a domain name resolution service that resolves your DNS requests through our worldwide network of redundant DNS servers, bringing you the ...

Comodo Secure DNS

What's My DNS is your one-stop solution for checking up on your networks. This platform is suitable for experts and beginners alike to do network diagnostics ...

Free Comodo Secure DNS

Comodo Secure DNS is a domain name resolution service that resolves your Secure DNS requests through our worldwide network of redundant DNS security servers, ...

DNS by Comodo

DNS by Comodo, a leading Internet Security provider offers faster and reliable Internet Browsing experience at competitive prices. DNS Queries | Comodo Help... · Partners/Resellers · Account Log in · Solution

Comodo Secure DNS

Comodo Secure DNS is a domain name resolution service that resolves your DNS requests through Comodo worldwide network of redundant DNS servers.

What is Comodo Secure DNS?

DNS is a domain name resolution service that resolves your DNS requests through our worldwide network of redundant DNS servers.


更安全:Comodo以提供安全解決方案著稱,ComodoSecureDNS會幫你篩選過濾你要連結的網址是否安全,類似於之前介紹過的OpenDNS,在你連線到網站前即時幫你 ...,非也!這個所謂的「COMODOSecureDNS」只是將你上網查詢IP的DNS伺服器改成他們家的,據說會比較安全!這個原理我先前也曾提過,像是有學校疑似用它來封 ...,1.ClicktheWindows'Start'menu2.Type'controlpanel'intothesearchboxthenclicktheprogramname:3.Select'Network...